Carry out scientific and technological innovation activities

Cultivate future innovative talents

2017 Invention Explorers

Release Time:2022.06.29

In order to provide a public platform to display the innovative inventions and popular science works of local students and individuals, share and communicate with the public, so that everyone can further understand the status of local innovative inventions, hoping to popularize scientific knowledge , so as to promote the progress and development of science and technology in Macao. At the same time, it will be exhibited at the 6th “ Celebration of Return in 2016. Climb to the sky---the winning works of the All-Australian Student Paper Airplane Competition” and the second “Cross-Strait and Four Regions Student Paper Airplane Competition”.

Sponsored by the Macau Science Museum and co-organized by the Macau Innovation and Invention Association, the “Ming Exploration Exhibition” will be held at the Macao Science Museum Exhibition Center from March 10 to June 18, 2017 held. TV News Report:



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